IFES Prayerline
Prayerline delivers a weekly story coming straight from the grassroots of one of our 160 IFES movements. You may hear stories of the bravery of students facing persecution, innovative approaches to evangelism, or the impact of a small dormitory Bible study. At the end we will give you a few ways to pray for the students you met in the story. It is a great way to stay up to date on how you can pray for movements around the world. Prayerline is written by Bryn Rickards and produced by Maéva Frair, with many thanks to the hundreds of student movements who give us the inspiration and information to tell these stories. https://ifesworld.org/en/pray/
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Virtual Pioneering in Ecuador
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
When you can’t physically go to a new place to pioneer, going virtual opens up a new range of possibilities. CECE Ecuador has seen amazing pioneering progress in areas of the country where they have never even set foot. In this week’s Prayerline, Guadalupe Muñoz from CECE shares how God has worked through virtual groups to make amazing strides in pioneering work.
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
God ruins a perfect plan
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Why would you ruin a perfectly good plan, God?
Sam knew what he was doing after graduation. He planned to move to Tonga to restart the IFES student ministry there. It had been years since a staff worker had served there. The need for student ministry was so great.
So that’s why it was so confusing when the pandemic ruined everything. The borders closed and Sam was shut out.
As it turned out, God had plans of his own. Find out in this week’s Prayerline.
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Between two worlds
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Maria was caught in the middle between her work and her faith. She felt side-lined by her coworkers who did not understand her faith. But she did not always feel supported by her friends at church, who could not understand why she spent so much time at work. Her story is common among graduates in demanding careers. Find out how Cross-Current, a ministry of Graduate Impact, is helping.
Research from Cross Current was recently featured in Evangelical Focus. Find out more about the challenges graduates face once they leave university and what Cross Current is doing to help.
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Built Together as Living Stones
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Engaging the University, Scripture Engagement, Breaking New Ground. What do these three ministries have in common? They are all strengthening university ministry around the world and they all came out of the Living Stones vision for IFES. This vision was implemented twelve years ago and has united our fellowship around common goals that have greatly advanced the impact of student ministry. This week we are praising God for his providence through this period. We are also praying for his guidance as we step into a new season of strategy and vision. Listen this week’s Prayerline to find out how Living Stones has left a legacy that has led us to thrive.
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Sharing Burdens in Prayer
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
As we begin our week of prayer and lament, we want to lift up the needs of our brothers and sisters in other movements around the world. Take a moment and listen through the prayer requests of all 11 regions of IFES. Use this Prayerline as a guide for your prayers over this week. By sharing each other’s burdens we hope that we will draw closer together as the family of Christ.
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Flying Blind
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Finlay wished his future was as clear as how the ground looked from his airplane. Like other students this year, he struggled with plans that felt unsure. How in the world are we supposed to find security and stability when we don’t even know what the next few months of our lives will look like? But one day this flight student met Jesus. Listen about how his life was changed through conversations with a Christian friend.
Read the full interview to learn more about Finlay’s story.
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Reaching Gen Z
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Most Gen Z students in Mongolia don’t really care about the gospel. That is, until they hear about it from their favorite YouTube stars. When the pandemic hit, FCS Mongolia needed a creative way to engage students online. So, they reached out to a famous Christian YouTube couple for help. Find out how their partnership led to students hearing the gospel for the very first time.